Australia’s online BMW parts supplier


Check out our technical section

We always have interesting discoveries in our engine room. Here’s an example ——->

Keep an eye on our technical section for insights and information on BMW engines.

Bimmer Spares is dedicated to providing BMW engine and vehicle parts.

All our parts are backed with expert knowledge and have been carefully sourced, selected and prepared for the BMW enthusiast community.

Whether you are a trade customer or a DIY’er at home, you can rely on Bimmer Spares to provide a browsable, online range of new and used parts for your Bimmer.

Excess stock that’s not being used in our engine building room will be listed here.

Our components are sourced from BMW themselves or from other trusted sources around the world.

We import these goods and have them in stock locally, ready to ship out Australia-wide.

Our staff have expert knowledge of all components sold and can assist with any enquiries you may have before purchase.

We source the best quality used parts on the market.

Each part listed is individually photographed and has it’s own unique Bimmer Spares code so you know exactly what you’re getting.

Got a question? Send us a message!

Got a question? Send us a message!

Check out some videos straight from our engine room

Youtube - Now We’re Torquin’